Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2018


Willkommen zur ZENTRALWERKSTATT, dem MAKERSPACE  der Georg-Schlesinger-Schule (OSZ Maschinen- und Fertigungstechnik) in Berlin-Reinickendorf. 

Schaut in den Blog um zu erfahren, welche Projekte in der Zentralwerkstatt gerade laufen, woran gearbeitet wird und wann die Werkstatt geöffnet ist.


Welcome to ZENTRALWERKSTATT, the Georg-Schlesinger-School's MAKERSPACE. We are a vocational school with three main educational tracks: pre-vocationalvocational and secondary, college-trackWe are located in Berlin-Reinickendorf. For our vocational students, the focus is on a variety of metal- and tool-based professions as well as a number of fields of the transportation sector. In our college bound secondary educational track, we additionally focus on environmental technologies. 

Check out our blog to learn about ongoing projects in our Makerspace (ZENTRALWERKSTATT), opening hours and what else is going on.